
-Travels of an ordinary man in Australia is a nice book to read if you want to experience what it feels like to leave to Australia on your own!
-Life in Australia This government book is intended for people who are applying for a visa to live in Australia.
-Culture Shock! A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette.

-Aussie Backpacker Budget Travel Magazine
-Backpack Around if you love Freedom and Adventure, you should.. Backpack Around Australia!
-WikiHow backpacking in Australia

-Hostel World is a great website to find hostels all over the world!

-What Snake Is That? You can never get enough education about the dangerous animals.
-BobInOz Everything about living in Australia.
-Survival And Self Sufficiency The ancient skills for living with the Earth. Australia Everything you need to know about Australia
-Australian Geographic Definitely worth checking out!
-Fruit Picking A basic explanation of the different types of fruit to pick.

-Working Holiday Perth Finding a job in Perth.
-DownUndr Another place to find work.
-Fruit Picking Jobs Backpacker Job Board
-Harvest Calender harvesting seasons
-Job Search Government website to search work
-Farm Adresses Adresses


  1. Have you ever worked as a harvester before?

  2. Nope, never. I know it's hard work but I think I'll be alright :)

  3. Cool. I wanted to try harvesting fruits after reading books about migrant farmers. When I was younger I wanted to own my fruit and vegetable farm. The initial planting and final harvesting were my favorite parts of the experience. The middle steps-- cultivating, watering, weeding, and dealing with bugs-- not so much. Lol.

  4. It would be a good idea to actually learn about fruit picking now that I think of it. I have no idea what is involved in this job. Gonna look it up now. :)
    Then do it now, just start a mini farm in your garden!
