29 Jan 2014

My introduction


I'm Kevin, a real fan of traveling and anything related to it. before I start I want to tell you all that I have never really written anything, except for those short stories I wrote as a kid. I hope this will be better then those as those really didn't make any sense at all, so don't expect to much of my writing skills.

I don't know what it is about traveling that makes me feel so happy, I guess it's the freedom of being away from the daily chore that's called life. When i'm away from home all my troubles seem to fade away and all I can think of is of how I can make the most out of this time away from all the stress that exists in my daily life. I used to be a boy scout and I loved the days when we went out in the wild, sure I got home with bruises and all but that didn't bother me at all, because I had been in the wild! Nature always inspired me, I could really be me there, it doesn't matter what you look like or how you act because nature just doesn't give a shit.

My first real traveling experiences where when we went to Hungary with my family, we always went to this small town called Tiszafüred. The first time I went there was when I was 1 year old, needless to say I don't remember anything from that, but my family kept going to that same place every year, so when I got older I knew the place like my back pocket. The people there where always incredibly friendly and although they didn't have much they where always very generous to me. This amazed me to say the least, as the average Belgian folks are quite uptight, especially in the city.

When I got older it was my turn to go on my own holidays, I went to all kinds of places, mostly in eastern Europe as this was quite affordable. And of course my snowboarding holidays which were amazing as I really became fond of this new sport I had discovered. From now on I was hooked to traveling and wanted to see as much of the world as possible so I started going on holidays quite often. My most memorable holiday must be Japan with my brother, but I will probably dedicate a whole blog message to that one!

Now, 23 years old, and a lot of experiences later, I want to start to really travel. Going further, and staying away for longer times then the average 1-3 week holiday. So I booked my flight to Australia, for the first time in my life I booked a single flight, hoping to stay away for at least one year and figuring out how I'll pay for it along the way. My backpacking story has begun!

So here it is, my blog, The Travels of Kevin. I hope my life or at least some parts of it are worth reading that I won't bore you to death. I will be keeping a journal with me on my journey trough Australia so I can make it possible to tell you all the spicy details on the events to follow.

A special thanks to Michelle for inspiring me to start this blog!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will read my next post as well.


  1. I am so glad you started this and am looking forward to reading your future posts, especially about your visit Japan. That sounds like that was an awesome trip; I have always wanted to travel there.

    I can definitely relate to your thoughts about travel and being one with nature. I think you articulated those ideas quite well. Your writing is fantastic!

  2. Japan was amazing, if the opportunity arises i definitely recommend going there, you'll have the time of your life!

    Thanks for the kind words and for convincing me to start this blog :)

  3. I'm looking forward to read your 'spicy' stories and great adventures as an Belgian version of Crocodile Dundee, De Kevin Dundee!
    I think its going to be an amazing travel/work holiday and your going to meet intresting people. Best of luck Kevin! But first we'll go to England and we'll have a great goodbye and birthday party :)

  4. Thanks man, be prepared to have your mind blown by the wondrous tales of De Kevin Dundee! :D
    England is gonna be awesome for sure.
